EL HADDAD, Ms. Maria (2020) Méthodes de caractérisation des modulations d'amplitude créées par le bruit des éoliennes. Etudes et applications PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



Throughout the years, wind turbines are being more present around the world to produce renewable energy. It is then necessary to identify and eliminate the negative impacts they may have on humans. While rotating, the blades of the wind turbines produce an audible periodic sound causing annoyance to the residents living in the surroundings. These are amplitude modulations, ie periodic variations in sound intensity. To eliminate them, we must first identify them and characterize their intensities. In this study, we try to find the best method to identify amplitude modulations. First, we explain the time domain method developed by Fukushima in 2013, the frequency domain method made by Larssun and Ohlund in 2014 and the hybrid method developed by the institute of acoustics in 2016. After that, we apply them to 3 references signals and then to the signals recorded in a wind farm by a PIBE project. By comparing the methods and interpreting the results, we find that the time domain method is not very reliable. It confuses the amplitude modulations created by wind turbines with background noise. We conclude that the hybrid method and the frequency domain method are the most suitable to eliminate unwanted background noise. Furthermore, the results prove that the frequency domain method provides a very small scale of values.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:8020
Deposited By:maria El-haddad
Deposited On:25 juin 2021 15:02
Dernière modification:25 juin 2021 15:11

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