MEIMOUN, M Daniel (2020) Étude du rôle potentiel du stockage dans l’équilibrage entre l’offre et la demande d’électricité ainsi que dans l’intégration de sources intermittentes dans les réseaux centralisés ou décentralisés PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



In this report, the different storage methods, or at least most of them, have been analysed in such a way as to have a good understanding of their field of application in centralised or non centralised networks and what differentiates them. As regards as the balancing of electricity supply and demand, various services provided by storage are studied. In particular, various storage tank systems projects already in operation or under development are being considered. The involvement of storage in the management of intermittence is also studied. Nevertheless, it would appear that the latter one does not correspond to the most efficient solution from an economic point of view. On the technical side, however, it has everything to do with it and this can be seen in microgrids (intelligent micro network that can operate independently) using intermittent energy sources. A more complete definition will of course be given, as these are discussed in detail in the last part of this report. Keywords : storage, microgrid, smart grid, battery, photovoltaic, intermittent, distributed generation

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering
Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
ID Code:8033
Deposited By:daniel Meimoun
Deposited On:04 déc. 2020 14:33
Dernière modification:04 déc. 2020 14:33

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