SHIGUIHARA, Etudiant en 2e annee Mauricio H. (2020) Modeling of thermomechanical flow - application to Etna context PRE - Research Project, ?? - ??.



Numerical analysis, in any area, is extremely important for the academic field. It consistsof an approximation of behaviors of real systems through numerical calculations, allowing tocapture the spatio-temporal evolution of internal variables. This tool should, however, be usedcautiously as faulty modeling can result in serious simulation problems. This work is dedicatedto the thermomechanical modeling of a flow using an Eulerian analysis in Abaqus, a commercialsoftware that uses finite elements. It will be used to obtain a better understanding of the lavaflow that forms in the Etna volcano. This document presents a detailed methodology forthe use of this software, showing the fundamental modules used, highlighting the adaptationsnecessary for the introduction of this thermomechanical calculation.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering
Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:8054
Deposited By:mauricio Hiroshi-shiguihara
Deposited On:14 mai 2021 11:23
Dernière modification:14 mai 2021 11:23

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