Rampon, Mr Liam (2020) Optimization of a local radiation integration algorithm and application to the study of boronization at the AUG tokamak PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



In the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak, line integrated radiation is measured using foils bolometers. An algorithm using tomography has been implemented to compute radiated power in specific areas, but its speed is hindering practical use. This data could be used to study the evolution of boronization effects with time. I was tasked with improving the code and applying it to almost 150 standard H-modes shots to research trends regarding boronizations. This report explains how the algorithm was improved and discusses the observ- ability of boronization degradation per shot over time. The computation of the radiated power is now of 20 s down from 15 min, at the cost of slightly reduced accuracy. Neither negative nor positive results were found regarding boronization: an increase in the number of shots observed is probably neces- sary. The usability of the new code is nonetheless confirmed for future works in need of radiated power data.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Tokamak, radiated power, tomography, algorithm, boronization
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
Physics, Optics
ID Code:8066
Deposited By:Liam RAMPON
Deposited On:17 mai 2021 16:58
Dernière modification:17 mai 2021 16:58

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