Hersent, M. Kilian (2020) Analysing the Halpha spectral line of the young star LkCa 15 PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



Star-disk accretion process remains partly misunderstood. [9] hinted a possible characterisation of such an accretion looking at correlation of absorption components of Halpha line fitting for edge-on young star AA Tau. Such behaviour was also registered for LkCa 15 [4] but both studies failed at fully described the phenomenon because of their shortness. Based on a 6-month spectral observation campaign, this study aims at confirming and characterising such a correlation. We find a telling correlation with period of about 17.9 days for both components. Their evolution looks erratic with main periods of variations smaller than ±20km.s−1.day−1 and sparse high fluctuation epochs.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Physics, Optics
ID Code:8191
Deposited By:Kilian Hersent
Deposited On:02 oct. 2020 15:51
Dernière modification:02 oct. 2020 15:51

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