VILATTE, M Matthieu (2020) Fundamental Composite Dynamics: an attempt to extend the Standard Model of Particle Physics PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



The Standard Model of Particle Physics is a set of quantum field theories based on gauge groups, which describes the interactions between elementary particles. It is one of the major triumph of the last century, recently confirmed by the discovery of the Higgs boson, the one which gives mass to particles, at the LHC in 2012. However, some issues regarding on the Higgs mass and the way it appears in the model made a group of physicist to wonder if there is an other way to give rise to such a boson. Using the Goldstone theorem, dynamical symmetry breaking and QCD, the main model consist in assuming the existence of a new underlying strongly coupled gauge theory at the TeV which dynamically breaks a global flavour symmetry such that among the Goldstone modes one can find an Higgs like state. Here we will describe Fundamental Composite Dynamics which is an important complete model where an Higgs is recovered and where mass can be given to the SM particles via an effective field theory of the Goldstone modes at the electroweak scale, describing Yukawa couplings between the new Higgs and the SM fermions. Finally, lattice simulations, which are the major way to probe and study those new models, are described and some plots are analyzed.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Theoretical Physics - Quantum Field Theory
Subjects:Physics, Optics
ID Code:8219
Deposited By:Matthieu Vilatte
Deposited On:11 sept. 2020 15:32
Dernière modification:11 sept. 2020 15:32

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