Dubreil, M. Brice (2021) Étude d’un matériau de stockage d’énergie par changement de phase pour un système de climatisation solaire PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



Phase change materials (PCM) are innovative solutions of thermal energy storage. The research is devoted to the fabrication of this material, by combining a mixture of fatty acids for the PCM and a compressed expanded graphite matrix (CEG). The manufacturing method consists of compressing expanded graphite in a 10 cm wide cube, then incorporating the PCM by capillarity into the matrix. The material fabrication (mass fraction of each constituent, expected density) is based on a previous theoretical study. Tests are run on the PCM thermal behaviour (phase change temperature) and conductivity measurements are made. A thermal conductivity of approximately 24 W:m􀀀1:K􀀀1 is observed for the complete material. This value is coherent with the theoretical study previsions that defined a minimal thermal conductivity for a commercial use of the material.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:8411
Deposited By:brice Dubreil
Deposited On:18 août 2021 16:03
Dernière modification:18 août 2021 16:03

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