LECONTE, M Alexis (2021) Temporal and spectral modeling of turbulent inflow noise PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



Turbulence in the wind is one of the driving forces behind the creation of sound by wind turbines.Different models try to predict this intensity produced for stationary wings that cut the turbulence.It is the case of the Amiet’s and Farassat’s models which will be studied in this work. Indeed, thesetwo models will be implemented and compared. A longer discussion will take place on the Farassatmodel on the different ways to implement it to obtain coherent results. Finally a last part will tryto introduce an opening towards a potential improvement of the implementation of the Farassatmodel by adding to it the Beddoes-Lieshman model to take into account the dynamic effects ofthe blade.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:8447
Deposited By:Alexis Leconte
Deposited On:20 août 2021 11:59
Dernière modification:20 août 2021 11:59

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