Caballero Peña, Mme Andrea Nataly (2021) Transition pour le réseau électrique régional dans l’avenir - Focus sur la flexibilité PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



This practice report focuses on the impact of flexibility in a context of high penetration of renewable energies, in particular photovoltaic energy, in smart grids. Thus, it reviews the different forms of flexibility and focuses on the demand response, because it is an excellent response to the need for network management at the technical and economic level. Therefore, self-consumption, a form of response to demand, is evaluated as a solution to the problem of overload and congestion. Finally, these tools are applied to a case study to analyse and quantify the benefits of demand response in a small grid with extensive solar production.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Flexibilité, réponse à la demande, photovoltaïque, autoconsommation, congestion.
Subjects:Sciences of Economy, Management and Society
Physics, Optics
ID Code:8531
Deposited By:Mme Andrea Nataly CABALLERO PENA
Deposited On:25 août 2021 14:13
Dernière modification:13 sept. 2021 14:41

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