BOURREAU-TIREL, M. Guillaume (2021) Simulations MHD de cibles plasmas implosées pour la déposition d’énergie par un faisceau d’électrons PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



Research in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) involves the study of compressed plasmas at high densities by compression. Simulations conducted with different materials and densities for the target using the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) module of the FLASH code developed by the University of Chicago show that the application of an initial external magnetic field improves the density and maximum magnetic field maxima reached. Then, we simulate the injection of electrons into the medium during the compression maximum using hybrid simulations (PIC code). The role of the magnetic field on the reduction of the divergence of the electron beam and on the energy deposited in the medium is studied.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
Physics, Optics
ID Code:8565
Deposited By:Guillaume BOURREAU-TIREL
Deposited On:27 août 2021 09:05
Dernière modification:27 août 2021 09:05

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