MECHINAUD, M. Lucas (2021) Effet de la présence d'arbres dans une rue sur la concentration en pollution PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



Urban trees are known for having a lots of benefits on urban life. This study focuses on the impact of urban trees on the flow dynamic in a street, and its consequences on pollution concentration. Especially, it shows that the trees tend to break the bi-dimensionality of the phenomena which can be observed in a no-tree configuration. Moreover, trees seem to sligthly increase the mean concentration of pollution in the street. Several methods, such as spectral analysis or statistic study of the fluctuations, are implemented in order to understand the previous observations

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:8583
Deposited By:lucas Mechinaud
Deposited On:18 mars 2022 09:00
Dernière modification:18 mars 2022 09:00

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