GUYOT, Mme Inès (2021) MicroPlastiX - Modelling the effects of turbulence on biofouling of microplastic particles PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



This study aims to model the effects of turbulence on biofouling of microplastic. Microplastics are fragments of plastic smaller than 5mm [2] which come from larger plastic debris in the ocean and pollute the marine environment. In this study, we will focus on their vertical motion in a water column in the North Pacific ocean. Firstly, we will study the biofouling model and reproduce the results from Kooi model[7]. We will then include turbulent effects on vertical position to the biofouling model by adding a turbulent velocity based on Langevin equation [8] and a model of dissipation of the energy. We will compare the results of the model including turbulence and the biofouling model with LDPE plastic particles of radius from 1mm to 1*10^-6 m.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:8604
Deposited By:Mle Inès GUYOT
Deposited On:08 déc. 2021 10:38
Dernière modification:08 déc. 2021 10:38

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