Anne, M. Alexis (2021) Équations intégrales avec dilatation analytique pour le calcul du rayonnement d'ondes de surface en hydrodynamique navale PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



The solution of a wave equation on an innite domain with an innite boundary - e.g. a half-plan - needs to be compute a truncation method. Methods such as the use of a Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) with a nite elements method (FEM) or a boundary elements method (BEM) had been applied successfully to the Helmholtz equation. The main goal of this internship is to test if those methods can also be applied to the Laplace equation. We were here interested in the water waves and more specically in 2D-solutions of the Laplace equation on a half-plane with a free-surface condition. The results are quite conclusive. The PML works with both the FEM and the BEM. The last one works surprisingly well in the sense that the choice of the Green function is more free than we tought. In contrast the Windowed Green Function or just taking a large domain of computation are not functional.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Mathematics and Applications
ID Code:8639
Deposited By:M. Alexis ANNE
Deposited On:06 oct. 2023 16:10
Dernière modification:06 oct. 2023 16:10

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