ASSIS TORRES, Monsieur Igor (2021) Study of the influence of the T-stress in the rupture of PMMA samples PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.

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Within the framework of the linear elastic fracture mechanics, the stress field around the tip of a crack is expressed by the Williams's series. Commonly, only the first therm of this series is used to analyse the resistance and trajectory of a crack. However, the second order therm, which is commonly omited, has also an influence in these parameters. Using numerical analyses by the method of finite elements, this term, called T-stress, is described as a function of the geometry and material of the sample studied. In this way, several experiences were executed to study the influence of this high order therm and to validate the numerical analysis.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:8644
Deposited By:M. Igor ASSIS TORRES
Deposited On:27 août 2021 13:44
Dernière modification:27 août 2021 13:44

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