OLIVIE, Mme Manon (2021) Caractérisation fonctionnelle des appareillages des personnes amputées de membres inférieurs - introduction pour l’analyse de l’effet des réglages des prothèses par les orthoprothésistes PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.

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As a result of a disease, a malformation or an accident, some people can find themselves amputated of a lower limb. They can then be fitted with a prosthetic device which includes components reproducing the missing joints (ankle or ankle-knee depending on the level of amputation) mounted in series with connecting elements between these prosthetic elements. These components can undergo adjustments which allow for the adaptation of a prosthesis to a patient, but which are often not measurable, reproducible, and optimal. To better understand the effects of adjustments, it is first necessary to establish a kinematic model of an actual adjusted prosthesis. This report presents the research work carried out over three months within CERAH to establish this model. Symbolic modeling, which shows the geometric and mathematical relationships between the different components, was developed in MATLAB and then applied to a real adjusted prosthesis thanks to the characterization of the prosthetic components.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:8677
Deposited By:Mme manon OLIVIE
Deposited On:01 sept. 2021 13:09
Dernière modification:01 sept. 2021 13:09

Available Versions of this Item

  • Caractérisation fonctionnelle des appareillages des personnes amputées de membres inférieurs - introduction pour l’analyse de l’effet des réglages des prothèses par les orthoprothésistes (deposited 01 sept. 2021 13:09) [Currently Displayed]

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