TACHET, Mme Sarah (2021) Modélisation de la Propagation d’Ondes Autour d’un Résonateur de Helmholtz par une Approche Asymptotique PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



This project focuses on the solution of a wave propagation problem with normal incidence in a waveguide containing a Helmholtz resonator. The proposed method is based on an asymptotic analysis which will allow us to propose a solution that describes precisely the behavior of the Helmholtz resonator and in particular its sub-wavelength resonance. The report includes the solution of the problem by direct numerical method (the reference method)and by asymptotic method (the object of the study). It also contains a comparison of the results of both methods and an analysis of these results.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:8721
Deposited By:Mme Sarah TACHET
Deposited On:10 sept. 2021 15:17
Dernière modification:10 sept. 2021 15:17

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