FERRIER, Mle Mélanie (2021) Placement report - polyvalent worker at the Manville Golf resort Operator Internship, ENSTA.



I completed a four week internship, in a snack restaurant in the Manville golf resort, in the Baux-de-Provence. My objective was to assist the chef in tasks such as the washing up, serving and clearing tables, and the management of stock. In this job, I worked from 9am to 4pm, from Monday to Friday.

Item Type:Thesis (Operator Internship)
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:8873
Deposited By:Mle Mélanie FERRIER
Deposited On:08 déc. 2021 11:21
Dernière modification:08 déc. 2021 11:21

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