RAMPON, M. Liam (2021) Magnetic Phase Diagram of the Fermionic Hubbard Model PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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Cuprates, high-temperature superconductors, exhibit competing phases, some of which magnetic. The Fermionic Hubbard model is used to study this many- body problem and shed light on relevant physical phenomena. Incommensurate spiral magnetic orders have been experimentally observed, but their thermody- namical properties have seldom been investigated. I produced several doping- temperature phase diagrams for the square and cubic lattice, using mean-field and dynamical mean-field theory techniques, and an integration path to compute the free energy of any spiral state. Along with the repartition of incommensu- rate spiral phases, I show a correspondence between the diagrams of the two lattices as well as strong evidence for the existence of phase separation. I also give an argument for the non existence of an antiferromagnetic phase outside of half-filling at zero temperature. Keywords: cuprate, Hubbard model, incommensurate spiral order, DMFT, mean-field

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Physics, Optics
ID Code:8925
Deposited By:Liam RAMPON
Deposited On:14 oct. 2021 11:55
Dernière modification:14 oct. 2021 11:55

Available Versions of this Item

  • Magnetic Phase Diagram of the Fermionic Hubbard Model (deposited 14 oct. 2021 11:55) [Currently Displayed]

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