MANDONNET, M. Théo (2021) Extreme climate events impact analysis : Europe 1950-2020 PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



There is growing international concern about extreme climate events. In particular,there is high confidence that heatwaves will become more frequent and more intense under theinfluence of climate change. Heatwaves are statistically defined, and we observe that there is lowconsistency between this definition and the human and material impacts they may have, whenanalyzing the overlap between impact and meteorological databases. We develop indices in orderto classify heatwaves and select extreme heatwaves based on temperature and demographic data.We also propose a method to evaluate the classification abilities of these indices. We note thatincluding demographic data in the indices is central to understand the links between meteorologicalconditions and observed impacts.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering
ID Code:8977
Deposited By:Théo MANDONNET
Deposited On:18 oct. 2021 15:31
Dernière modification:18 oct. 2021 15:31

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