POUPLIN, M. Clément (2021) Tropical cyclone-generated wave field characterization from model and observations PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.
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Latest IPCC report for policy makers forecasts an increase in the proportion of high category tropical cyclones. Examining the wave field induced by such extreme events is crucial for coastal areas protection and improvements on the way climate models take atmosphere-ocean interactions into account. Forst, the coherence of Sentinel 1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) wave mode data inside TCs is examinated comparing them with WAVE WATCH 3 wave model hindcats. WAVE WATCH 3 wave data inside tropical cyclones are also analysed in order to characterize the wave field as function of two first order parameters for tropical cyclones: the maximum wind intensity and the translation speed. It appears from this characterization of the wave field inside tropical cyclones that reliable satellite observations are not numerous inside cyclones. Then, a methodology is defined in order to exploit satellite observations far from cyclones, considering swell propagates. Using deep water linear swell propagation, wave systems are back propagated until they reach tropical cyclone winds that generated them. Finally, a characterization of the induced wave field measured far from the cyclone thanks to satellite observations is compared to a characterization of the wave field inside the cyclone, according to model hindcast.
Item Type: | Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation) |
Subjects: | Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering |
ID Code: | 8980 |
Deposited By: | Clément Pouplin |
Deposited On: | 26 oct. 2021 12:59 |
Dernière modification: | 26 oct. 2021 12:59 |
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