MARTINEZ, M. Adrien (2021) Comparaison des mesures satellites IASI de CH4 et N2O au modèle LMDZ-SACS PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



This report presents some preliminary works for the atmospheric inversion of the CH4 and N2O (two major greenhouse gases) sources and sinks with the concentrations produced with measurements from the IASI instrument. Through comparisons between those concentration data and the simulations with the chemistry-transport model LMDz-SACS conducted in this study, we identify the different limitations within the model, the satellite’s data, and the mathematical formulas enabling the comparisons between the simulated data and the satellite’s observations, since such limitations should be dealt with before pertinent atmospheric inversion can be carried. With those comparisons for the CH4 , we identify some limitations within the LMDz-SACS model’s vertical transport. For the N2O, the identifiable limitations reside in the comparisons’ implementation with the metadata provided with the satellite’s data

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering
ID Code:9033
Deposited By:M. Adrien MARTINEZ
Deposited On:29 nov. 2021 11:18
Dernière modification:29 nov. 2021 11:18

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