BEN YEMNA, Madame Oumaima (2022) Suivi de l'état des cordes vocales après chirurgie thyroïdienne par analyse de vidéoendoscopies PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.

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One of the side effects of thyroid surgery is a change in the patient’s voice and therefore a reduction in the mobility of the vocal cords. The ENT doctor performs the endoscopic medical examination which allows us to record videos containing the movement of the vocal cords. Our objective is to determine, from the videos recorded by the ENT doctors ORL (otolaryngology) of Sfax (Tunisia), if the mobility of the vocal cords is affected or not after the operation. Thus in this project we start by preparing and creating our reference database and then the delineations of the glottal cleft are used to calculate the attributes that characterize the vibrations of the vocal cords in order to perform statistical analysis. In the next part of the project, we studied the automatic binary U-Net and multi-class U-Net segmentation techniques in order to determine the overall decision by performing a multivariate analysis of variance with the data from the segmentation.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Vocal fold, segmentation, statistical analysis, deep learning.
Subjects:Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies
ID Code:9116
Deposited By:Oumaima BEN YEMNA
Deposited On:06 juin 2023 11:45
Dernière modification:06 juin 2023 11:45

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