COCAIGN, Mr Pierre (2022) Etude Expérimentale et numérique des effets du couplage Flexion-Torsion sur des Hydrofoils dans le cadre du projet "Optifoil" PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



The design of hydrofoils has been part of the development of numerical simulations to supplement experimental analysis. Therefore, the development of numerical models to characterize the properties of a foil placed in a water flow is necessary to minimize the computation time and the experimental sessions, which are expensive and time consuming. The study presented here attempts to provide data and methods to validate numerical models through comparisons with experimentation. Hydrofoils, voluntarily simplified in their structure, will be studied, in particular under the prism of the bendtwist coupling, to determine the properties resulting from the orientation of the composite fibres in the structure. The loads are static and carried out in the air via punctual masses in a concern of total control of the positioning of the load. Comparisons between preliminary numerical results, experimental results and refined numerical models will allow to validate the choices of modeling. Throughout the study, the numerical model made with Abaqus software is updated to meet the experimental constraints. The methods of study of the results, carried out via Matlab and Python, are still too little precise to analyze anything other than trends. However, the quantity of exploitable data will make it possible to validate more complex models such as equivalent beam models developed in the laboratory. These preliminary works are the first steps of a future study of the same hydrofoils submitted to potential loads in a flow.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Hydrofoils, Bend-Twist Coupling, Numerical and Experimental study, Composite
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:9177
Deposited By:Pierre Cocaign
Deposited On:12 juin 2023 10:27
Dernière modification:12 juin 2023 10:27

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