MITOY, Mme Sarah (2022) Assessing mobility of elderly in an outdoor fitness trail PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



Falls in elderly people are a major health burden, especially in the long-term care environment however the reasons of these falls are still not properly understood. One of them could be linked to poor weight-shifting capacities while ageing. Calculating the vertical ground reaction forces to deduct the gait asymmetry could then be relevant. Moreover, links could also be highlighted with the surrounding environment for affecting elderly’s concentration capacity. Even though studying outdoor activities to complete indoor ones is paramount, logistical issues do not allow to measure such data as done within a laboratory. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to assess the performances of a machine learning code to predict these forces by using only accelerometers fixed on the feet which are handy. The study used measurements of participants walking or running inside a lab. Overall, this study shows that the model used can predict some trends when shifting the weight on one foot. Further research is still needed to confirm these promising results and improve the model.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Machine learning
Subjects:Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies
Life Sciences and Engineering
ID Code:9181
Deposited By:Mle Sarah MITOY
Deposited On:18 juill. 2023 11:02
Dernière modification:18 juill. 2023 11:02

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