Balland, Mme Eline (2022) Rapport de stage opérateur au sein de la communauté Emmaüs de La Chaux-de-Fonds Operator Internship, ENSTA.



I did my four-weeks internship in the Emmaus community of La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. I worked there with the same role as an Emmaus companion. This report presents the community, its organization, my activities and my reflections on the functioning and objectives of the community

Item Type:Thesis (Operator Internship)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Association, Recuperation, Circular economy, Social engagement
Subjects:Sciences of Economy, Management and Society
ID Code:9307
Deposited By:Eline BALLAND
Deposited On:12 juin 2023 09:49
Dernière modification:12 juin 2023 09:49

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