Guisnet, M Henri (2022) Internship report inside an Oxfam Irland’s charity shop Operator Internship, ENSTA.



This report is about the operative internship of Henri Guisnet he effectuated at the end of his first year at ENSTA Paris. This internship of four weeks took place at an Oxfam Irland’s charity shop located on Talbot street. This report descibes the experience of an operative internship and also translates the experience of a full month inside a foreign country as a worker.

Item Type:Thesis (Operator Internship)
Uncontrolled Keywords:association, second-hand, volunteering, shop
Subjects:Sciences of Economy, Management and Society
ID Code:9323
Deposited By:Henri GUISNET
Deposited On:12 juin 2023 09:43
Dernière modification:12 juin 2023 09:43

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