Smith, Mme Nolwenn (2023) Stratégies bas carbone : Stratégies Climat Air Energie PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



This 6 months internship took place in the consulting firm SUEZ Consulting, within the Organisations and Territories Team of the Advisory and Strategy Division. Various projects, tools or skills used in the environmental engineering field were explored. Three main projects were accomplished : the life cycle assessment of a water treatment plant, the carbon footprint of an urban renewal project and a territorial air-climate-energy plan. Help was provided on other projects such as writing offers, analysing energy data, participating in public consultation workshops, etc.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:consulting, environmental and energy transition, carbon footprint, life cycle assessment, territorial air climate energy plan, low carbon strategy
Subjects:Sciences of Economy, Management and Society
Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering
ID Code:9424
Deposited By:Mme Nolwenn SMITH
Deposited On:02 juin 2023 14:20
Dernière modification:29 août 2023 09:41

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