Elmore, Mme Yasmina (2023) Interaction entre un choc et un cylindre de gaz perturbé : évolution de la circulation déposée par le choc à l'interface et étude de la géométrie du dipôle de vortex généré par l'interaction PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



The interaction between a gas cylinder and a shock wave has been subject to studies in the literature and has often appeared in a couple of problems in physics. It has been proved that the shock wave passing through a cylinder leads to a deformation of the latter, forming a vortex dipole. In this project, we start by studying the interaction by looking at the evolution of circulation deposition around the cylinder during and mostly after the shock passage. We show that the circulation increases even after the shock passage, and the slope of this increase grows with the Mach number. We point out that the reason for the increase in slopes is linked to the misalignment between the pressure gradient and the density gradient. Secondly, we study the impact of the shock on the cylinder's geometry by looking at the distance between the two vortices of the formed dipole and their size. We pointed out that the growth of the Mach number or the reduction of the ratio of density between the cylinder and the ambient gas leads to a decrease in the distance between the two vortices. This study was realized through simulations based on adaptive mesh refinement.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Shock wave, Mach number, Cylinder, Vortex dipole, Density Ratio, Patch-based Adaptive mesh refinement, Circulation, Q-criterion
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:9543
Deposited By:Yasmina ELMORE
Deposited On:24 août 2023 15:34
Dernière modification:24 août 2023 15:34

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