Coelho Ruback, M. Arthur (2023) Description, physical simulation and impact assessment of fog : application on AV sensors PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



The fifth level of SAE’s levels of autonomous driving states that the vehicle should be able to drive under all adverse weather conditions, it become critical therefore in fog and rain. In this work, a real simulated environment for testing sensors and vehicles in real scale was developed and an experiment was conducted in a degraded fog condition to validate it. A sensor was also conceived and tested for measuring fog intensity. This work has therefore extended the capabilities of an experimental climate-testing chamber and proposes an investment on such to add in a definite manner to facility’s capacities.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:autonomous driving
Subjects:Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies
Physics, Optics
ID Code:9623
Deposited By:Arthur RUBACK
Deposited On:28 août 2023 10:39
Dernière modification:28 août 2023 10:39

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