Minarelli Gaspar, Mr Joaquim (2023) Hamiltonian representation of a neutral atom quantum computer using the ZW-Calculus graphical language PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.

Available under License Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication.

Available under License Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication.



An extension of the ZW-calculus for the quantum has recently been introduced to represent and manipulate Hamiltonians. During this internship, we used this language and its equational theory to explore the possibility of transforming any Hamiltonian, to satisfy constraints imposed by the architecture of a neutral atom quantum computer while altering it as little as possible.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Graphical language, ZW-Calculus, Quantum computing, Neutral atom quantum computer
Subjects:Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies
ID Code:9624
Deposited By:Joaquim GASPAR
Deposited On:28 août 2023 10:36
Dernière modification:28 août 2023 10:36

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