Guyot, Mr Matthieu (2023) Analyse modale d’un miroir Virgo – application à l’étude des instabilités paramétriques PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.
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Virgo is an interferometer with the aim of detecting gravitaional waves. It is located in Pise, Italy. This sensor is based on the principle of Michelson’s interferometer, using such a laser that an opto-mecanichal coupling between a laser beam’s transverse mode and a wavering Virgo’s miror eigenmode may arise. This coupling is responsible for parametric instabilities that may lead to irrelevant measurements. Parametric instabilites gain is dependant on several parameters : mechanical and optic modes quality factors, optic beam power, optic beam’s spot size...This internship aims to characterize instabilities to order the degree of responsability of each factor mentionned above and soften parametric instabilities. Virgo would therefore be able to detect more distant events. Scientific bibliography, modeling and experimental analysis are needed to do so.
Item Type: | Thesis (PRE - Research Project) |
Additional Information: | Le rapport est non publiable sur internet. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Instabilité paramétrique, analyse modale, couplage opto-mécanique, amortissement. |
Subjects: | Fluid Mechanics and Energy Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering Physics, Optics |
ID Code: | 9635 |
Deposited By: | Matthieu GUYOT |
Deposited On: | 29 août 2023 15:40 |
Dernière modification: | 29 août 2023 15:40 |
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