Aubel, Mme Emeline (2023) Mise en cohérence des données thermodynamiques des solveurs phase dispersée du logiciel CEDRE PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



This research project was carried out at ONERA’s Multi-Physics Department for Energetics. It concerns the numerical study of the thermophysics of fuel droplets in a ramjet combustion chamber. Three interaction phenomena between the drops and the gas flow have been studied : drag, heating and evaporation of liquid particles. The dispersed phase (drops) of the flow can be modeled by two approaches, Eulerian or Lagrangian, based on different thermophysical formalisms. In order to easily compare the two approaches on the same case, it is necessary to achieve consistency between the two formalisms. This report describes the work involved in bringing the two approaches into line with each other, by studying and converting the various thermophysical quantities and models that influence the three phenomena. They are then validated by numerical calculations on a simplified case of water droplet evaporation in an air flow.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:9665
Deposited By:Emeline AUBEL
Deposited On:29 août 2023 14:41
Dernière modification:21 févr. 2024 17:34

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