APPAIX, Madame Jennie (2023) Analyse du Cycle de Vie de la Production d’Hydrogène en France PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.

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This report presents the results of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of dihydrogen production by electrolysis in France. In a first chapter, the issues of the study in the domains of Industry, Energy and Mobility are underlined as well as a quick state of art of the LCA. In a second chapter, after defining the goals and scope of the studied system, the methodology of inventory and Python model realisations are explained. In a last chapter, some results of environmental impacts calculated with the model are explained and interpreted. Finally, a short sensitivity analysis is carried out.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental impacts, Electricity mix impacts, Hydrogen sector, Electrolysis, Power-to-hydrogen
Subjects:Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering
Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:9681
Deposited By:Jennie APPAIX
Deposited On:30 août 2023 09:02
Dernière modification:01 sept. 2023 11:11

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