Pereira, M. Vinícius (2023) Dynamics of resonance of several triad for internal waves PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



The vertical mixing of deep water masses generated by internal waves is of great importance for the regulation of climate change by the ocean due to the movement of abyssal icy waters, which motivates the study of these waves. One of the mechanisms responsible for the dissipation and mixing of internal waves is the triadic resonance, which consists of a weakly nonlinear interference between three waves, causing a disturbance in one of the propagating waves, if the space time resonance conditions are obeyed. Classical theory says that, according to the Hasselmann criterion, the triadic system becomes unstable, but there is no explanation for the short-term behavior of triadic instability, as well as the possibility of interaction between several triads. With this motivation, this internship aims to study the behavior of triadic resonances, their influence on internal waves and their energy, by evaluating the possible existence of transient growths, and the interaction between different triad groups.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Ondes internes, instabilité, résonance triadique, croissance transitoire, double triade.
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:9688
Deposited By:Vinícius PEREIRA
Deposited On:30 août 2023 15:14
Dernière modification:30 août 2023 15:14

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