DEROUIN, M. Stanislas (2023) Étude de l’atomisation d’eau dansde l’huile d’olive PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.

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During the last 40 years, microfluidic has been a promising area, that keeps reducing research costs thanks to its "lab on a chip" channels, that turn what would be a huge set of pipes into a hand sized chip, just as efficient for experiments. Beside scientific research, industrial actors have been keeping an eye on some of its applications, that could be key for future breakthrough. For its part, the medical testing sector has widely benefited from atomization; which is the creation of droplets through flows of non-miscible fluids, with control on size, shape, and frequency. Predicting the latters is nothing easy, as interactions between both fluids interfere with a complex flow. The following report describes a full experimental study on atomisation, fromthe creation of chips, to droplet observation, and computer analysis of results withMatlab.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Microfluidics, Atomization, Polydimethylsiloxane, T-junction, Video processing
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:9690
Deposited By:Stanislas DEROUIN
Deposited On:30 août 2023 15:32
Dernière modification:30 août 2023 15:32

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