de Francqueville, M. Ladislas (2023) Measuring fretting damage to an aluminum-aluminum meso-contact PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.

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Fretting, a low-amplitude oscillatory movement between two surfaces in contact, is a frequent damage mode in mechanical assemblies and therefore represents a major challenge for many industries. However, current models are unable to predict contact lifespan effectively. This is due to a lack of understanding of the evolution of damage within the contact, with most studies only providing post-test observations once the contact has been dismantled. An X-ray tomography test bench could solve this problem by enabling us to study the evolution of the interface directly during stress. The aim is to participate in the development of a protocol to study fretting crack initiation on this new test bench. This work aims to determine the experimental conditions to be used in order to study crack initiation of an alu-alu contact by carrying out tests on a conventional fretting bench, and to obtain results that will enable us to validate or not the new experimental set-up in the future. In parallel, a numerical study of the contact enabled us to validate the use of the Hertz contact theory analytical model to calculate the stresses involved.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Fretting , F riction s , C ontact s , C rack initiation , E xperimental mechanics, Analytical model, Numerical simulation s
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:9694
Deposited By:Ladislas DE FRANCQUEVILLE
Deposited On:31 août 2023 09:22
Dernière modification:31 août 2023 09:22

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