Maugenest, Mme Maryse (2023) Étude géométrique et mécanique d’une structure pavillonnaire PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.
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The objective of this project is to achieve the realization of an architectural structure within the framework of the Building Freeform workshop, proposed by the Navier laboratory for the École des Ponts ParisTech. This report presents a preliminary study of the desired form. Subsequently, the geometric modeling of the structure is addressed, beginning with the analysis of a unitary element and then extending to the structure as a whole. This approach relies on the use of computer-aided design software, particularly Grasshopper, thus enabling the creation of a detailed algorithmic model of the structure while automating the production of three-dimensional visual representations. Prototypes intended for the construction of the structure have also been developed and will undergo a thorough analysis.
Item Type: | Thesis (PRE - Research Project) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Numerical modeling, flat surfaces, architectural structure, elementary units, fabrication, prototype |
Subjects: | Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering |
ID Code: | 9711 |
Deposited By: | Maryse MAUGENEST |
Deposited On: | 04 sept. 2023 09:42 |
Dernière modification: | 04 sept. 2023 09:42 |
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