Lali, M. Selim-Antoine (2023) Operator internship report : Reception, communication and events for ENSTA Paris and preparation for the 2023 school year Operator Internship, ENSTA.

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This document presents my internship report carried out at ENSTA Paris within the Communication Department (DDC), from July 2 to 21 then from August 28 to September 4, 2023. We were a team of 4 interns, all ENSTA Paris students. The main missions entrusted to us by the DDC were initially the organization of the reception of students who came to take the oral exams for the Concours Commun Mines-Ponts (first two weeks of internship). Then, we contributed to the organization of the 2023 school year by assisting the DDC, in particular by creating a treasure hunt for new first-year students (last two weeks of internship).

Item Type:Thesis (Operator Internship)
Uncontrolled Keywords:stage opérateur ENSTA Paris
Subjects:Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies
ID Code:9776
Deposited By:Selim-antoine LALI
Deposited On:12 oct. 2023 10:17
Dernière modification:12 oct. 2023 10:17

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