de SAINT JORES, M. Robin (2023) Développement et amélioration d’un logiciel de navigation pour USV PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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Abstract This report summarizes the activities carried out as part of my specialized Master’s internship at Exail Six-Fours-les-Plages. It oulines the technological context and the technical challenge of developing autonomous maritime surface drones. A description of Exail and the Cortix Sense team that welcomed me is then produced to complete the internship environment. The following parts then detail the missions carried out by placing them in the context and architecture of the Cortix Sense navigation and obstacle avoidance software. The first part details the operation and improvement of lidar filtering allowing obstacle detection by the lidar. Then the second part concerns the measurement by AIS and lidar of vessel sizes and their display on the HMI. Finally, the last part explains the need for confidence measurement in target detection, particularly radar, as well as the approach taken to test it.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies
ID Code:9794
Deposited By:Robin DE SAINT JORES
Deposited On:06 oct. 2023 16:22
Dernière modification:06 oct. 2023 16:22

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