Touil, Mme Sephora (2023) Ingénieur d'affaires, une vision globale de l'ingénierie PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.
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It first presents the OneSide group and the company OneSide Technologies, which welcomed and trained me during these 6 months. It explains the different stages governing the work of a Business Engineer ; steps that I had to assimilate quickly since certain responsibilities were entrusted to me very quickly. Certain projects such as those carried out with the companies NAVYA, AGCO or Alstom summarize the actions that I was able to carry out during these first months of learning this profession and explain the versatility and flexibility that the Engineer must have ceoncerning the fortuitousness that managing people involves.
Item Type: | Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation) |
Subjects: | Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies |
ID Code: | 9809 |
Deposited By: | sephora Touil |
Deposited On: | 02 oct. 2023 17:32 |
Dernière modification: | 02 oct. 2023 17:32 |
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