Liu, Madame Annie (2023) Solutions de recherche opérationnelle pour l’optimisation des préparations de commande dans les entrepôts PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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This work focuses on two area of optimisation in warehouses, order picking and Storage Location Assignment Problem (SLAP) which increase performances in warehouses. The order picking problem which consist in choosing the order the product are picked can be reformulated as a travelling salesman problem (TSP) which is a known problem. We present how we tackle real life constraints to our problem. We make a short litterature review on the SLAP and apply some method to real case data. Finally, we apply our solution to real work data and detail the process from the input to the output.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Warehouse, order picking, optimisation, picking, order batching, slotting, storage location assignment, travelling salesman
Subjects:Mathematics and Applications
ID Code:9818
Deposited By:Annie Liu
Deposited On:30 oct. 2023 15:11
Dernière modification:30 oct. 2023 15:11

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