Oueini, M Rayan (2023) Ordonnancement, Pilotage et Coordination de la construction d’une station de métro de la ligne 15 Sud du Grand Paris Express PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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This report presents my final year internship on the future line 15 of the Grand Paris Express. I carried out this internship with IKOS for Egis Rail who is part of a larger consortium named KEIROS. This internship involves scheduling, piloting and coordinating all the players involved in the construction of a metro station through which the future metro line 15 will pass. Having taken technical courses on railways during my master degree at ENSTA Paris, this internship illustrates another facet of railway engineering, this time in a more general context, which is the construction of a full metro line. The OPC has a number of tools at his disposal, helping him carry out his mission. These different tools will be presented in the report. Some software tools are useful for planning such as Primavera 6 while others are more useful for data processing and analysis. This internship helps understanding the scope of action of an OPC and how he manages the various interfaces with all of the project stakeholders.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Project owner, project manager, contract holder, scheduling, management, coordination, construction works, coactivity, metro, Primavera 6, PowerBI, ArcGIS.
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:9828
Deposited By:rayan Oueini
Deposited On:11 oct. 2023 17:12
Dernière modification:11 oct. 2023 17:12

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