Cucini, Mme Romane (2023) Characterizing microscale water penetration on wettability-switchable surfaces PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



Switchable-wettability surfaces have recently arose attention thanks to their many applications such as drug delivery or oil/water separation. In this research project, we aim to better understand microscale water penetration on such surfaces with direct microscopic observation. Multiple PDMS substrates with different hole patterns were fabricated and then used to observe the microscale water penetration inside the holes. Acceptable hole dimensions to observe wettability-switching were found, quick ways to change wettability were put in place to be able to perform multiple wettability-switching cycles and liquid penetration inside the holes was observed by using a fluorescent dye.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Water, hydrophobicity, wetting state, wettability-switchable surface, PDMS
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:9833
Deposited By:Romane Cucini
Deposited On:09 oct. 2023 16:50
Dernière modification:09 oct. 2023 16:50

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