Rousseau, M. Esteban (2023) Product assistant internship PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



This report presents the lessons learnt from an internship with Tool4staffing, during which I had to learn how to use and configure a human resources management IT tool, before training in web development and finally improving this tool by developing a new feature. The aim of this new feature is to enable users to generate a job offer quickly using ChatGPT, thereby saving them time so that they can allocate it to higher added-value tasks.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Web development, API, Database, Human resources
Subjects:Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies
Sciences of Economy, Management and Society
ID Code:9838
Deposited By:Esteban ROUSSEAU
Deposited On:30 oct. 2023 15:35
Dernière modification:30 oct. 2023 15:35

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