Barrault, M. Romain (2023) Solving methods for vehicle routing problems with time windows and time-dependent costs for the management of satellite constellations PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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State of the art on reference models and algorithms for TOPTW-TDS type problems ; Formalizing the observation task planning problem by a satellite constellation in TOPTW-TDS, and extending the model if necessary ; development and theoretical analysis of efficient solving methods ; Evaluation of developped mehods and reference algorithms on instances generated thanks to a constellation simulator ; Performance analysis of these algorithms

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies
Mathematics and Applications
ID Code:9840
Deposited By:romain Barrault
Deposited On:13 nov. 2023 15:15
Dernière modification:13 nov. 2023 15:15

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