Benyahia, M. Elias (2023) Characterization and automation of a 2-photon optogenetic stimulation generated by an acousto-optic effect in order to study the connectivity in the brain of the zebra fish larva. PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



We implemented a 3D drift correction for a light sheet microscope designed for imaging the brains of zebrafish larvae. It is based on 2D correlations and optimized to be fast, robust, and stable. A graphical user interface has been developed to use it easily. We also tried to study the habenula-IPN pathway in larval zebrafish brains, by optogenetically stimulating habenula. We did not succeed in exposing this pathway but found interesting asymmetric patterns between left-right habenula, and left-right neuropile

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Life Sciences and Engineering
Physics, Optics
ID Code:9849
Deposited By:M. Elias BENYAHIA
Deposited On:30 oct. 2023 15:57
Dernière modification:30 oct. 2023 15:57

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