BOURREAU-TIREL, M. Guillaume (2023) Etude et développement d’une méthode pour la transition par ondes crossflow stationnaires PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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Stationary crossflow disturbances are responsible for the laminar-turbulent transition in many sweptwing configurations corresponding to aircraft cruising flight conditions. In 1981, in a NASA technical report, Dagenhart presented a method based on reading "exact" stability results to estimate the amplification of stationary crossflow disturbances. The algorithm described in the report was implemented and adapted to ONERA tools and tested on several swept wing geometries. The method was then corrected by creating a database and modifying the table reading method. The simplified calculation of the N factor at a fixed λ was also considered using a genetic algorithm.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Transition laminaire-turbulent Couche limite Perturbation crossflow Facteur N Base de données Aile en flèche Similitude Algorithme génétique
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:9926
Deposited By:Guillaume BOURREAU-TIREL
Deposited On:27 nov. 2023 09:30
Dernière modification:27 nov. 2023 09:30

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