Joseph, M. MARTIN (2023) Analyse et amélioration de documents méthodologiques relatifs au processus DP PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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This final study project report presents all the studies realized over the time of this internship. Particularly, it illustrates the diversity of subjects related to this final study project and the participation to many activities. This diversity is shown both in the theme and the work to be done. The goal of these missions is always to improve the way Naval Group works by proposing different possible evolutions in the main documents of the process. After a short description of the process, this report gives also further information on the tools that are used on this process and their functioning. Finally, this report carries a specific attention to description of the contribution of the missions both personally and for the group. Moreover, it allows to show some difficulties that had to be overcome during this internship.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Ingénierie système - Gestion de configuration - Gestion documentaire - Rédaction de documents méthodologiques -Processus
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:9934
Deposited By:Astrid Auzou-Connes
Deposited On:29 nov. 2023 15:30
Dernière modification:29 nov. 2023 15:30

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