RAGER, M. Clément (2024) Study of the extraction of a marble buried under a pile of leaves PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



This report aims to summarize all the different phenomena observed for a point deformation imposed in the center of a pile of thin sheets. The aim is to establish simple models obtained under certain conditions and approximations in order to characterize the force exerted by the pile of thin sheets and the pace of its overall deformation. An experimental part following an analytical resolution confirms conclusively or not these different established models. The overall idea is to shed as much light as possible on this little-studied problem.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Mechanical ; Sheet ; Curvature ; Elastic ; Force ; Energy minimization ; Deformation.
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:9967
Deposited By:Clément RAGER
Deposited On:30 juill. 2024 10:40
Dernière modification:30 juill. 2024 10:40

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