Rozan, Mme Capucine (2024) Simulation numérique de la bulle de séparation laminaire sur une assiette plate en situation de variations de l’écoulement PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



This report presents the results of RANS simulations carried out to approximate the separation bubble over a flat plate by varying the Reynolds number, turbulence intensity, and adverse pressure gradient. These simulations were performed with the aim of comparing them and getting as close as possible to the experimental results obtained during various experiments conducted in Genova, observing the separation bubble on a flat plate under specific flow conditions. All RANS simulations were conducted using Ansys Fluent software and post-processed with Matlab. The first chapter is devoted to the presentation of the experiment, the preparation of the mesh, and the theoretical description of the Navier-Stokes equations in the studied case. The second chapter will focus on the choice of the simulation model, the parameters of these simulations, and the comparison of the simulations performed with the experimental results.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:— Dynamique des fluides numériques/ Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) — Bulle de séparation/ Separation bubble — Simulation RANS/ RANS Simulations — Laminaire/ laminar — Turbulent/turbulent — Maillage/ meshing — Nombre de Reynolds/ Reynol
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:9977
Deposited By:Capucine ROZAN
Deposited On:02 sept. 2024 12:07
Dernière modification:02 sept. 2024 12:07

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